Q: If I want to make a pledge with cash or a check, where do I take my gift?
A: If you complete your pledge online, your confirmation receipt will have mailing instructions listed. Note: checks should be made payable to UT Campus Chest. Your donation can be sent to:
c/o Division of Access and Engagement
301 Andy Holt Tower
Knoxville, TN 37996-0145
Please be sure to include a copy of your donation confirmation to help fulfill your pledge correctly.
Q: I pledged to the wrong agency or entered the wrong amount. Can I still make a correction?
A: Yes, please contact us at campuschest@utk.edu.
Q: How much do I have to give to be eligible for the United Way Leader program?
A: United Way requires a minimum gift of $1,200 toward any of their member agencies.
Q: Does the university retain any of my gift amount?
A: The UT Campus Chest program ensures that 100 percent of your gift is sent to the agency or agencies you designate.
Q: If I don’t have convenient access to a computer, can I still pledge?
A: As with previous campaigns, we have pledge cards available. Complete your pledge card and submit it to our office at 301 Andy Holt Tower.
Q: Are payroll deductions taken before or after taxes?
A: Campus Chest payroll deductions are taken after taxes have been withheld from wages. Because the charitable donations come out of after-tax earnings you can deduct the total amount of the contributions from your payroll checks during the year if you choose to itemize.
Q: I’m a retiree. Can I still make a pledge?
A: Yes, complete a Campus Chest Retiree pledge card. Please indicate the agency or agencies to which you wish to contribute, the amount of your gift, and return the pledge card to the address listed below. Please be sure to include your name and address on the pledge card. We will see that your gift is properly accounted for and directed to the appropriate agency. Note: checks should be made payable to UT Campus Chest.
Return Mailing Address:
c/o Division of Access and Engagement
301 Andy Holt Tower
Knoxville, TN 37996-0145